Principal Consultant @
Immersive Visual | Interactive Programming | Show Control | Bespoke Integration

I've been crafting solutions for a diverse industries — from commercial AV, simulation and training, art gallery and museum, to anything in between. Drawing through my experience in multidisciplinaries such digital signage, videowall, dome projection, immersive display and visualization, control and interactive system. I also lead and manage a team of service engineers serving Asia Pacific region.

In my past incarnations, I was in a more developer-centric role across a few domains — interactive multimedia, web development and IT administration.

My interest outside of work include badminton, amateur photography, programming and tinkering with Arduino and Raspbery Pi system to the IoT collectives. I publish some of my code under Github.

Projector NightBlend

Automatic day and night projector blending system with flexible communication control.

PowerPoint and VLC controller

Control PowerPoint slides through Extron or Crestron control systems.

7inch Raspberry Pi touchsreen controller

A custom 7-inch Raspberry Pi based touchscreen boardroom AV controller.

Projector Controller

Networked projector controller, group/individual power control and lamp usage retrieval.

Digital Projection unified diagnostics utility

Digital Projection unified diagnostics utility for multi-series projector.

Rockwell Automation catalog app

Rockwell Automation multi plaform catalog — iPad, iPhone and responsive mobile web.

Singapore BusRouter iPad app

SGBusRouter iPad app — shows bus stops and services in Singapore.

Dataton WatchOut Control

Dataton WatchOut control app — WatchOut show timelines and media tween control.

Video player and playlist with physical button controls

Video playlist with button control — play, stop, previous and next video selection.

Timed Quiz

Timed quiz with random questions pulled from a bank with final score calculation.

Dataton WatchOut and AV controller

Dataton WatchOut and AV controller — power on/off equipments and show trigger.

iPad Presentation app

Custom iPad presentation app with slide and video control and interactive bullet points.